About Us

Welcome To Canyons Church!

We're So Glad You're Here!
Canyons Church is a group of imperfect people. We are people just like you who are in search of a meaningful life and a real relationship with God. We highly value authentic relationships and a culturally relevant style. Dress is casual so come as you are and join us at 10:00 AM on Sunday! We are located at 717, 15th Street in Clarkston, WA.

What To Expect
Our services are approximately 60 minutes long. They consist of enjoyable music, a conversational message from the Bible, and creative elements designed to make the service engaging. Our Guest Services Team is available on-site to answer all your questions and help you find your way around, however we also provide the opportunity to stay as anonymous as you’d like. Most importantly we really hope you enjoy it so much you will want to come back. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Environments For Your Children
We provide safe, fun, and engaging environments for children from birth through 5th grade on Sunday mornings during the service. Our goal is for your child to connect with their heavenly Father in a meaningful way that is appropriate for their age and stage and so we have designed their environments just for them!

Staff & Leadership


Andrew & Amy Powell

Lead Pastors

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Jared & Amber Dayton-Smith

Family Ministries Director

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Caleb & Rayla Carlyle

Band Director &
Creative Director


Steve & Vicki Frei

Groups Directors

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Keith & Del McKinley

Guest Services Director